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Sunbird Software Release: Power IQ® DCIM Monitoring 5.0.1

sunbird enterprise dcim 42u data center solutions efficiency it technology

Sunbird has released a security alert of their Power IQ® DCIM Monitoring 5.0.1 upgrade! As they stated: Read the Full Release This release will provide several security enhancements and improvements including: Important Security Fix for LDAP Authentication Services. Save IP addresses and switch ports with support for up to 8 Raritan PX Intelligent Rack PDUs. Improved visualization

CCS-PRO4: The Next Generation KB/M Switch

CCS Pro 4 Free Flow Technology Diagram

Perfect For: A KVM (Keyboard-Video-Mouse) Switch is great for a user hoping to access multiple different systems from their console (monitor, keyboard and mouse), or a user hoping to access all of their systems remotely, but what do you use if you have multiple systems that you want to monitor and control at the same

5 Key Elements to Consider When Purchasing your Next Rack PDU

5 elements to consider when purchasing your next rack power distribution unit pdu

IT requirements drive the need for IT technology. This is true for power distribution as well. These five points highlight some of the decision making process when purchasing your next Rack PDU.   5 Key Purchasing Considerations for a Rack Power Distribution Unit IT requirements drive the need for IT technology. This is true for

Containment Considerations

containment considerations

Each unique server room will require a unique Aisle Containment solution. Some environments will benefit more from hot aisle containment, while others may be limited to cold aisle containment due to physical constraints. Most important, despite what the experts say, improperly implemented containment can be as bad or worse than no containment at all. Availability

The PUE Metric

PUE Measurement Levels

What is PUE? PUE (power usage effectiveness) is a measure of how efficiently a data center uses energy and how much is being used by the equipment. It is the ratio of total facilities energy (UPS systems, switchgear, generators, equipment, etc.) to IT equipment energy (storage, network equipment, KVM switches, monitors, etc.). Data center power



What is an NIAP Certified KVM Switch? The NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership), a partnership between the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the NSA (National Security Agency) is responsible for U.S. implementation of the Common Criteria. You can basically think of the NIAP as the overseer of Common Criteria evaluations, making sure

Heavy Metal Thunder!

Data Centers can be noisy places

Recently, I had an IT manager ask me about sound suppression in the data center installation. What could he do that would help with data center noise reduction? Every Data Center has noise, but excessive noise can not only be stressful, it can affect concentration and produce additional work fatigue. Data Center rooms register typically in

Directional or Standard Airflow Panels

Directional Perf

Directional or Standard Airflow Panels…both have their place.  Directional, as well as standard airflow panels come in many varieties to satisfy all your data center cooling needs. These cost-effective and energy-efficient airflow panels offer compelling returns on investment and lower operating costs in both new build and retrofit Data Centers and labs. However, there are

What is Inrow Cooling?


What is Inrow Cooling? Inrow cooling precisely cools and conditions air in close proximity and is targeted cooling at the banks of server cabinets that fill the data center. They can be installed on the floor or suspended from overhead making them closer to the actual rack. This setup offers both capacity and efficiency gains.

Server Rack Strategies

Hot Aisle / Cold Aisle Server Rack Configuration

Server Rack Strategies for Energy Efficient Data Centers Many data centers historically didn’t put much more thought into their deployment of server racks beyond basic functionality, air flow, and the upfront costs of the rack itself. These days, the widespread adoption of hi-density applications are causing major hot spot concerns and capacity issues. These factors,

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