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Video Splitter

Video Splitters-The Basics Video Splitter Products Let You Share Your Computer or Video Output A video splitter is a device that takes one signal from a video source and replicates it over multiple monitors. The number of times that a video splitter divides the signal varies; video splitters currently on the market provide divisions for

42U Webinar: Avocents Exciting Updates

Avocent Discusses Exciting Launch: DSView® 3 Upgrades to 3.6 & Innovative Power Manager Plug In Date: Friday, July 11th Time: 11AM MDT (1PM EDT) Register Today! Managing your data center has just become easier! The new DSView® 3 includes benefits ranging from labor-saving features such as consolidated access of physical and virtual servers, integrated virtual

ENERGY STAR for Data Centers

Energy use in data centers is increasing rapidly. In 2006, energy consumption to operate IT equipment and data center facilities represented 61 billion kWh or approximately $6 billion in annual expenditures. This accounts for 1.5% of total U.S. electricity consumption and is projected to increase to 100 billion kWh by 2011. To assist data center

CFD Modeling

Data Center Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) vs. Real Time Monitoring, Which Makes More Sense? What is CFD? Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD, is a technique used to model fluid flow using numerical analysis techniques. Through an iterative process, fluid flow is predicted based on how minute volumes, or voxels, interact with each other and surrounding

Optimizing your IT Infrastructure

In a recent survey by the Uptime Institute, 42% of enterprise data center managers reported that they would run out of power capacity within 24 months. This statistic isn’t surprising when you consider that today’s IT hardware requires more power-distribution air conditioning and UPS capacity than in the past. What steps is your data center

Data Center Management

Centralized & Remote Data Center Management Solutions With ever-increasing data center size and complexity, data center managers and IT professionals require remote management solutions that enable them to quickly and effectively access servers, networking devices, and other mission-critical equipment. A complete management solution integrates KVM-over-IP technology, serial console management, and service processor management to provide

KVM Splitter – What is a KVM Splitter?

What is a KVM Splitter?  Share A Computer With Two or More Users with KVM Splitters A KVM splitter, also called a “reverse KVM switch,” creates two or more keyboard, mouse, and monitor access points to one computer. It allows all attached keyboards, mice, and monitors to function as though they were connected directly to the

42U Earns Avocent Data Center Solutions Accreditation

Broomfield, CO – March 7, 2008 — 42U today announced it is among the first wave of graduates from Avocent’s initial VAR accreditation training program for data center solutions, one of several initiatives planned this year to help partners further expand their Avocent expertise and offer increased value to customers. The course emphasizes how partners