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What inspired the Smart Solution Product Line


We asked an expert, while on tour of the Emerson Network Power facility, why develop the the all-in-one Smart Solution product line:

The first thing was really, saw a need for it. This was a few years ago, so densities were even less. So I said okay, let’s put something together, take a few units, or w’s, for small spaces, a few racks, build in the fire suppression, which is really key, and have something that’s truly self-contained. see if there’s a market for it — and there is. So we said okay, now where’s the market going? What’s the feedback we’re hearing from the first one? Oh, you’re going to get more dense, okay. You want more modularity, okay, I see, that’s fine. So we built that in.
I talked about the technical challenge with the fire suppression, I believe it to be more regulatory than technical. So we’re addressing what you’re saying.

As the user’s needs change, the Smart Solution product line evolves to meet and exceed expectations. Address the gaps in your environment, one modular piece at a time. Build your next custom, pre-assembled SmartRow with 42U Data Center Solutions.

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