Top 3 Reasons for DCIM


Let’s start with the basic focus of DCIM: actively planning, managing, and optimizing your data center. Traditionally, there has been a gap between IT and facility teams. With the goal of providing cross-domain visibility, DCIM connects these two perspectives with a holistic way to view in-depth at the infrastructure.

To list a few key elements:

  • Asset Management
    This includes anything from taking a look at change management, ticketing and other types of less visible elements across those division teams. By tangibly comprehending the details of asset management on one screen, reducing planning costs, expansion options, and increase equipment utilization can be more coherently optimized.
  • Energy Efficiency
    DCIM provides an easily approachable way to manage power distribution across the data center floor; especially, providing a firm grasp of CRAC energy usage. Clearly see what you have now, your planning capacity for the future, and whether or not you can reduce and even consolidate to improve the bottom line.
  • Risk Audit & Regulatory Compliance
    The importance of this best practice needs super amplifying: RISK AUDIT & REGULATORY COMPLIANCE!!! Make sure all your equipment is up and running AND is compliant with your environment. Using DCIM gives you a centralized way to look at the warranties of all your equipment, know when certain items are being phased out, where you should decommission some of the servers, etc. This is ultimately the best practice.

In a nutshell, DCIM boils down to:

  1. Running your data center with the MOST optimum efficiency.
  2. Know that it is great for the environment AND your bottom line.
  3. Fantastic talking point with your customers and peers.

It’s “a thing” to talk about efficiencies all around as we work together to make this a better planet. André, here, If you have any questions. Give us a call at 1-800-638-2638.

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